Page 31 - Horticulture Practical Guide
P. 31

Cinnamon            ½ Tsf
                 Clove               ½ Pinch
                 White Vinegar       5-6 Tsf. (20-30ml)     Or

                 Acetic Acid         ½ Tsf. (3-5ml)
                 Sodium benzoate  ¾ g (750 mg)

                 Select sound healthy ripe tomatoes having deep red colour. Wash them properly with clean
         water. Cut them into pieces, while cutting the green and yellow portion must be removed as it makes the
         ketchup inferior in colour and  lavour .Boil till seed and skin gets separated. Separate the seeds and skin
         through any stainless steel sieve. Boil the tomato pulp to the thickness of 1/3 the quantity of tomato pulp.
         Add sugar in two part, one part of sugar be added in the beginning and second half of the sugar when the
         pulp is reduced to half. Grind all the spices coarsely and boil these spices in a little quantity of water. Take
         the spices extract and  ilter it through muslin cloth add extract to the boiling tomato pulp and also add
         the extract of onion, garlic and ginger. The required quantity of salt be added at the end. Tomato ketchup
         will be ready for taste when the total quantity of tomato pulp is reduced to 1/3 or its TSS is about 25 B.
         Add to it required quantity of sodium benzoate mix it properly and then add to it required quantity of
         Acetic acid or vinegar. If vinegar is added again boil it so that excess water of vinegar is removed. Fill the
         hot ketchup in clean bottles. Seal them properly and keep at any cool and dry place.

         Tomato Chutney
                 Tomatoes            3 kg
                 Salt                30-50 g

                 Onion               50 g to 100 g
                 Cloves              ½ Tsf
                 Red Chilly          1 Tsf (5g)

                 Black Pepper        1 Tsf (5g)
                 Sugar               1.5 kg
                 Ginger              1 Piece (small)
                 Garlic              1 Pod

                 Zeera               1 ½ Tsf (10-15g)
                 Mothi Ellachi       1 Tsf

         Tomato Sauce
                 Tomatoes            5 kg.

                 Sugar               400 gm
                 Salt                50 gm
                 Onion               100 gm

                 Garlic              1 Pod
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