Page 30 - Horticulture Practical Guide
P. 30

Tomato Puree
                 Select fully ripe and red tomatoes, wash them and cut into pieces. Boil and crush with wooden
         ladle. Separate seed and skin. Take its pulp, boil it and concentrate it till it gets reduced to half the
         quantity. Then add to it, sodium benzoate @ one gram per kg. of Puree. Mix it properly and  ill hot puree
         in clean glass bottles, seal them and pasteurize in boiling water for 30 minutes. Take out the bottles, Cool
         them and keep at cool and dry place.
                 Puree  can  also  be  preserved  by  adding  2  g  of  Sodium  Benzoate  per  kg.  of  puree  without
         pasteurizing it. Puree is used instead of Tomatoes when tomatoes are not available in the market and any
         product of tomatoes can be made out of it.

         Tomato Soup
                 Tomatoes                           2 kg

                 Sugar                              50 g
                 Onion                              1 Medium Size
                 Zeera                              1 Tsf. (5g)

                 Black Pepper                       ¼ (Tea Spoon) (3-5g)
                 Salt                               1-2 Tsf. (8-10g)
                 Butter                             50 g
                 Sodium bicarbonate                 1Tsf

                 Take fully ripe red tomatoes. Wash them and cut into pieces. Boil and extract their pulp. Fry
         chopped onions in 50 g butter till they turn brown. Add to it tomato juice add required quantity of salt
         and zeera. Before adding juice, at least 1 Tsf soda bicarb may be added to juice to reduce its acidity. Boil it
         add remaining quantity of butter. Soup is ready for taste. Soup should be served always hot. If it is to be
         kept for longer period,  ill hot soup in clean bottles seal them and pasteurize for thirty minutes in boiling
         water. Before serving the soup dip bottles in hot water and serve it.

         Tomato Ketchup

                 Tomato              2 kg
                 Onion/Garlic        1 pod each medium size
                 Ginger              30 g

                 Sugar               150 g
                 Salt                3 Tsf. (15-20g)
                 Cumin (Zeera)       ½ Tsf (5g)

                 Red Chilly Powder  ½ Tsf. (3g)
                 Black Pepper        ½ Tsf.
                 Cardamom Black  ¼ Tsf

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