Page 21 - Horticulture Practical Guide
P. 21

Sugar                              1.2 kg (1200gm)
                 Water                              7-8 liter.
                 Lemon yellow                       ½ pinch required
                 colour & Pea Green Colour.

                 Select well matured Amla, Lime and Adrak. Wash them and scrap Adrak to remove its skin.
         (Outer covering) Extract separately juice of Amla, ginger and Lime. Prepare Sugar Syrup by adding water
         with sugar till the sugar is dissolved by slight heating. Mix Juice of Amla, Lime & Ginger with the syrup
         and also add colour (Lemon, Yellow and Green) and strain the prepared drink through muslin cloth. Fill
         the prepared drink into clean empty glass bottles at boiling temperature and seal by corking machine
         and pasteurize the bottles for 25-30 minutes. After cooling take out the bottles. Label them and store
         them in cool and dry place.

         Ginger Drink

                 Ginger Juice                       50 grams
                 Sugar                              100-150 grams

                 Water                               800-850 ml
                 Citric Acid                        ½  Tdf (3-5)

                 Take fresh Ginger, scratch it with a knife and wash it properly. Crush the ginger and squeeze it.
         Take its juice  ilter it again. Take required quantity of water, sugar and acid the juice, slightly boil it and
         again  ilter it. Pour the solution in a clean container covered with loose lid and let it remain undisturbed
         for at least four to seven days or till fermentation occurs. Remove its scum. Siphon out the upper portion
         of-the liquid boil it and  ill hot drink in clean bottles, seal them and pasteurize them for 30 minutes. Keep
         the bottles at any cool place.

                                          PRESERVE PRODUCTS

                 A  mature  fruit/vegetable  impregnated  with  heavy  sugar  syrup  till  it  becomes  tender  and
         transparent is known as a preserve (Murabba) Amla, Carrot, Apple, Mango, Papaya Quince, Harar etc. can
         be used for making preserves.
         Carrot Preserve
                 Recipe :-

                 Carrot              1 kg
                 Sugar               1 kg
                 Citric Acid         5 g

                 Select fresh medium size carrot. Remove their head and tail peeling & coring the carrot with
         stainless steel peeler blanch the carrot in boiling water for a period of 2 to 3 minutes. Take out the
         blanched carrot and/3prick them into stainless steel forks. Add  of the sugar required layer after

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