Page 18 - Horticulture Practical Guide
P. 18

Sugar                              2. kg
                 Water                              1 Litre
                 Citric acid                        30 to 40g

                 KMS                                3g
                 Sun Set yellow colour              1/2gm
                 Mango essence                      2 to3 drops

         Method of Preparation:-
                 Select well ripened mangoes and wash them thoroughly. Extract Pulp by pressing the mangoes
         between the palm of your hands. Prepare smooth pulp by passing through a  ine sieve or stainless steel
         strainer. Slightly heat required quantity of water and sugar and also add to it citric acid. Filter the sugar
         syrup and cool it properly. Mix thoroughly with mango pulp. Thus mango squash is ready for taste. If it is
         to be kept for longerperiods, then add to it the required quantity of KMS after dissolving in little water.
         Mix it properly and  ill in clean bottles leaving a head space of 1-2 inch. Seal the bottles and keep them in
         cool and dry place.

         BAEL SQUASH

                 Bael Pulp           1kg
                 Sugar               2 kg
                 Water               1 Litre
                 Citric Acid         40 g

                 KMS                 3 g
         Method of preparation:-
                 Select ripe Beal fruit, wash, break and take on the mucilaginous pulp with seeds and  ibre. Add
         equal quantity of water to it and slightly heat it pass through the sieve to get the pulp. The squash is
         prepared by mixing sugar, acid, pulp and water as explained in mango squash. Also add KMS if it is to be
         preserved for long time. Fill the squash in clean bottles leaving a head space of 1-2 inch. Seal them and
         keep in cool and dry place.

         Apricot Squash

                 The Procedure is same as that of mango squash.


                 This type of fruit beverage contains atleast 25 percent fruit juice or pulp and 68 percent total
         soluble solid. It also contains 1.3-1.5 percent acid and is diluted before serving.
                 Fruits like phalsa, amla, jamun, pomegranate, grape, lemon, orange etc. can be used for the
         preparation of syrup. It is also prepared from extracts of rose, sandal, almonds etc.
                 Syrups are of two types:-

                 1.    Synthetic Syrup
                 2.    Fruit Syrup.
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