Page 19 - Horticulture Practical Guide
P. 19

In case of synthetic syrup, no fruit juice or fruit pulp is added, but only sugar syrup of higher
         concentration is made, then colour and essence of particular fruit is added.
                 But in case of fruit syrup, some percentage of fruit pulp is also added and that is why it is called as
         fruit syrup.

         Synthetic Syrups Rose Syrup

                 Sugar               700 g
                 Water               300 ml
                 Citric Acid         1 Tsf  (5gm)
                 Rose Essence        08 to10 Drops

                 Red Colour          1 Pinch
                 Take required quantity of water, add to it sugar and citric acid. Boil it and  ilter it through any
         thick cloth. Cool the sugar syrup. Add to it the  colour and essence. Fill in clean and dry bottles seal
         them and keep at any cool place. Use the syrup. Pine-Apple Syrup and other syrups.

         Pomegranate Synthetic Syrup.

                 Sugar                              1 kg
                 Water                              450 ml

                 Citric Acid                        10 g
                 Pomegranate Essence                1 Tsf  (8-10 drops)
                 Raspberry Red Colour               1 Pinch

         Take required quantity of water add to it sugar and citric acid. Boil it and  ilter through muslin cloth and
         add to it required quantity of Pomegranate Essence and Raspberry Red Colour. Mix it properly and  ill in
         clean bottles.  Seal these bottles and keep at any cool place.

         Pomegranate Fruit Syrup

                 Sugar               750 g
                 Water               100-150 ml.
                 Anar Juice          150-200 ml.

                 Citric Acid         1 Tsf. (5g)
                 Red Colour          1 Pinch
                 Essence             4-5 Drops

         Procedure :-
                 Take required quantity of water and add to it sugar and citric acid slightly boil it and  lter it, then
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