
  • To improve the quality and production of Horticulture crops by integrated implementation of viable, eco-friendly, validated and refined technologies.
  • To promote the establishment of modern nurseries for ensuring availability of quality planting material within the easy reach of farming community.
  • To strengthen the availability of irrigation water resources and irrigation systems according to need of the crop and topography.
  • To organize on farm trainings within and outside the State with an aim to acquaint the farming community with new frontiers of Science and knowledge of developed technologies to achieve a vibrant, responsive and resilient Horticulture which should be eco-friendly, equitable, sustainable and economically productive.
  • To encourage the concept of organic farming and minimize the use of chemical fertilizers in export oriented Horticulture Crops.
  • To develop the concept of Organic cultivation and production in the farming community through establishment of vermi-compost units.
  • To ensure boosting quality fruit production by all the unproductive, senile, inferior and wild fruit plantation into productive and commercially viable cultivars through Rejuvenation and Top working technologies.
  • To assure overall development of Horticulture sector and make it more remunerative and profitable so that economic status of the farming community can be improved and the Horticulture in the Division become a key sector for strengthening the economy of the State.