Horticulture at a Glance


Jammu division is blessed with varying agro climatic zones thus offers good scope for the production of diversified fruit crops.  Upto 1967-68, the department of Horticulture Jammu was under the joint command of Directorate of Agriculture, thereafter, the Directorate of Horticulture was created at State level.   In April 2004, two separate Directorates were made functional for Jammu and Kashmir Divisions.

Horticulture is the backbone of the Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir's economy with a yearly turnover of Rs.12000 crores with Jammu Division's share of over Rs. 1400 crores. Presently, an area of 1.19 lakh ha. is under fruit cultivation in Jammu Province with an annual production of 2.47 lakh M.T.(2019-20). Horticulture has been declared as a thrust area by the Government of Jammu & Kashmir and various developmental schemes including centrally sponsored schemes have been taken by the Department for promotion of this sector and give further boost to it.
Mandate of Horticulture Department Jammu

  • Production and Distribution of Quality Fruit Plants.
  • Implementation of CAPEX Budget / various Centrally Sponsored  Schemes.
  • Value Addition of Fruits and post-harvest management practices.

General Profile of Jammu Division

►     Total Geographical area in Hectare

26293 Sq. Kms /26,29,300 Ha

►    Total area under fruit Crops in Hectare

1.19 lac Ha

►     Production of Fruit Crops

2.47 lac M.T

►     Productivity

2.07 M.T

►     Agro Climatic Zones

Sub-tropical, Intermediate, Temperate

►     Number of Districts


►     Number of Horticulture Zones


►     Number of Blocks


►     Major Fruit Crops

Walnut, Mango , Apple and Citrus

►     Number of Departmental Nurseries


►     Number of Functional nurseries


►  Number of Existing Departmental Canning and

      Processing Centres

06 ( Old districts only)