Page 20 - Schemes of horticulture Department - English
P. 20

                                                        Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojna (RKVY)
                                                        Rashtriya Krishi          V  ikas   Y ojna (RKVY)
                                                        Rashtriya Krishi
                                                                                              ojna (RKVY)
                        Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) is a special additional central sponsored scheme with main objective to
                 increase the public investment in the agriculture and allied sectors. The main components of the scheme are top working,
                 cultivation of nut fruits, urban nutritional programme, PP Machinery, etc.
                  S.No.            Activity/Components                      Eligibility Criteria & Pr ocedur e for  applying to avail the  Assistance
                                                                            Eligibility Criteria & Pr
                                                                            Eligibility Criteria & Procedure for applying to avail the Assistance
                                                                                                            e for
                                                                                                                 applying to avail the
                  1     Cultivation of Nut Fruits -Walnut
                                                                       Any person can apply to concerned  CHO / HDO along with the revenue record of
                  2     Nutritional Programme for Urban areas/ Semi     his land with recommendation(s) from PRI

                        Urban Areas and promotion of Rare and Minor
                  3     Top Working of Wild and Inferior Plants with  Any person can apply to concerned CHO / HDO who has wild/Inferior plants in his
                        improved varieties.                           land with recommendation(s) from PRI
                  4     Plant Protection Machinery.                   Any Progressive farmer can apply to concerned CHO / HDO with recommendation(s)
                                                                     from PRI
                  5     Assistance for Post Harvest &
                        Food Processing Machinery.                     Any person, self help group or other who is interested can apply to concerned

                  6     Creation of Irrigation sources                  CHO / HDO with recommendation(s) from PRI
                        on pro-rata basis

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