Page 18 - Schemes of horticulture Department - English
P. 18

Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai
                                               Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai
                                               Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana (PMKSY)
                                                                                                  ojana (PMKSY)
                                                                                                  ojana (PMKSY)
                 B). Other Interventions under "Per Drop More Crop" (PDMC)
                        Construction of micro irrigation structures to supplement source creation activities including tube wells and dug wells
                 (in areas where ground water is available and not under semi critical /critical /over exploited category of development).

                                                                                                                          Eligibility Criteria &Pr
                                                                                                                          Eligibility Criteria &Pr ocedur e
                                                                                                                          Eligibility Criteria &Procedure
                  S.No.         Interventions                               Rate of  Assistance
                                                                            Rate of Assistance
                                                                            Rate of
                                                                                                                         for     Applying to avail the  Assistance
                                                                                                                            Applying to avail the
                                                                                                                         for Applying to avail the Assistance
                  1.    Improved/innovative distribution  50% of the cost (Water carrying pipes) limited to Rs 50/- per
                        system like pipe and box outlet   meter for laminated HDPE pipe and for others Rs 25/- per
                        system with controlled outlet    meter with maximum ceiling of  Rs. 0.15 lac per beneciary
                        and other activities of enhancing  maximum length of pipe 600 meter per beneciary.
                        water use efciency
                                                          50% of the cost (Pipe/Pre cost of distribution system)system
                                                         limited to Rs 0.10 lac per Ha with assistance up to a maximum
                                                         of 4 ha per beneciary or Group                                 Any person can apply to
                                                                                                                         concerned CHO /HDO
                                                         50 % of the cost (Pump set) subject to maximum Rs 0.10 lac per
                                                         unit                                                            who has his own Orchard
                                                                                                                         with recommendation(s) from
                  2.    Water lifting Devices            50 % of the cost (Diesel/electric pump set units) subject to      PRI
                                                         maximum Rs 0.15 lac per unit
                                                         50 % of the cost (Solar/wind unit) subject to maximum
                                                         Rs 0.50 lac per unit
                  3.     Secondary storage structures at   100% of cost (Plastic/RCC based water harvesting structures/   A group of orchardists residing
                        tail end of canal system to store   farm pond/community tank of size (100m×100m×3m)) limited  in the same village/area for
                        water when available in abundance  to Rs 20.00 lac for plain areas and Rs 25 lac per unit for Hilly   providing irrigation to their fruit
                        (rainy season) or from perennial   areas for 10 Ha of command area or any other smaller size on    plants can apply to concerned
                        sources like streams for use during  pro rata basis depending upon command area.                CHO with recommendation(s)
                        dry periods through effective on-                                                               from PRI
                        farm water management.

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