Page 38 - Horticulture Practical Guide
P. 38


                                     Main Points to be Considered

                                               In Pickle Making

         1.      The vegetables used should be fresh because freshness governs the quality of
                 the inished product.

         2.      For making pickle, keep the salted fruit and vegetable pieces as such for some days
                 so that salt may be absorbed in the Fruit/Vegetable pieces by osmosis.

         3.      The  quantity  of  the  salt,  vinegar  and  oil  are  important  in  pickles  and  to  be
                 maintained, for long shelf life. The quantity of spices can be altered as required.

         4.      As metal is corroded by the vinegar so avoid covering the jars with metal lids
                 unless they are well lacquered and/or lined with vinegar resistant paper.

         5.      For preparing mixed vegetable pickle Desi Gobi (Cauli lower) should be preferred
                 over improved/hybrid variety.

         6.      The  selected  vegetables/fruit  should  not  be  over-ripe  or  under-ripe.
                 Physiologically  mature  (Plant  ripe)  fruit/vegetables  should  be  preferred  for
                 making good quality of product.

         7.      After adding Rye in the pickle, do not open the container atleast for 15 days
                 otherwise due to fermentation, the  lavour will vanish.

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